We welcome enrolments from Catholic families (preference enrolments) and from non-Catholic families (non-preference enrolments).
We also welcome enquiries from international student families.
Catholic (Preference) Enrolments
As with all state integrated Catholic schools in New Zealand, St Mary’s, Northcote operates a preference of enrolment scheme and in order to assure a place for your child or children, we encourage you to enrol them in our school earlier rather than later. In the first instance, you will need to contact Sue Toombs (enrolment officer) on [email protected].
There are a number of forms for your completion please contact Fr Lio, phone 09 480 7357
Most importantly, you will need to make an appointment to meet with your parish priest or with Fr Lio Rotor, Parish Priest at St Mary’s Parish, Northcote, in order to complete the preference of enrolment forms (valid for two years) necessary for enrolling a child in a Catholic school in New Zealand. Please call 09 480 7357
You are most welcome to meet with Mr Coakley, our principal, as part of the enrolment process and school tours can also be requested by emailing Mrs Toombs at [email protected]
Non-Catholic (Non-Preference) Enrolments
St Mary’s, Northcote is able to offer 5% (24 places) of our maximum roll as non-preference enrolments. There is high demand for these places and we therefore operate a waiting list for them. When a place becomes available, we will contact you to complete the enrolment process. In order to be placed on the waiting list, you need to complete all enrolment documents. (forms coming soon)
Student Enrolment Form (Fill in PDF)
CDA Attendance Dues Form (Fill in PDF)
Preference of Enrolment Form, valid for 2years (Fill in PDF)
Preference of Enrolment Information
Preference Appeal Form
Non-Preference Enrolment Information for Parents Seeking Enrolment
New Entrant | Year One Transition Process
St Mary’s is focused on ensuring that every child has a great start to school and has developed a comprehensive induction process to support this.
Transition comprises three pre-start visits to our school:
Visit One | New children and their families have a tour of the school, led by the classroom teacher and some of our junior learners. This helps children to become familiar with the school and build their confidence before they start with us.
Visit Two | New children and their families visit the new classroom and experience a liturgy and start of the day learning experiences. The aim is to build children’s confidence in the classroom and to begin the process of building a learning-focused relationship with the classroom teacher. The presence of their parents supports and reassures the children as they transition into the class.
Visit Three | New children are settled into their classroom by their families. Once settled, the families are invited to leave the classroom and attend a group information session with the principal and the head of the junior school. This has the dual purpose of ensuring all children are confident enough to remain in the classroom without their parents and that parents also have the opportunity to learn more about our school and ask any questions they may have before their child starts school. Parents also enjoy the opportunity of meeting with some of the other parents with children in the same class.
Extra Transition Support
At times, a child may need further support to transition to school due to a large number of possible factors. In this situation, the school will work with the family to design an appropriate school transition plan. Please do not hesitate to ask should you feel this may be necessary for your child.
International Student Enrolment
We welcome the enrolment of international students and the School is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
We have a limited number of places for international students so that we can ensure they are well-cared for both academically and pastorally in our school. Early enrolment is therefore highly recommended.
Enrolment is usually only considered for one term minimum as this gives a student the best opportunity for success as they transition into a new and unfamiliar environment.
Should you be interested in enrolling an international student at St Mary’s, Northcote, please contact Mrs Sue Toombs, International Student Officer [email protected] , who will be happy to assist.